File a complaint

I understand that any information I submit to the Ohio Attorney General’s Office is considered public information and may be made available upon request. Once produced, any future dissemination of the information is at the sole discretion of the party with whom the information was shared.

I understand a copy of this form and all documents relating to my complaint may be sent to the business that is the subject of my complaint.

I understand that the Ohio Attorney General cannot serve as and is not my private attorney.

I agree that the information submitted on this form is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Information about you
I am a(n)
Start typing an address and use a mouse to select your address from the suggested list.

If the suggested list does not have your address, uncheck the Search address box to enter your address manually.

We'll never share your email with anyone else.
No e-mail address? Call (800) 282-0515 to file your complaint.
Where you may be contacted between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. EST Monday-Friday.
Correspondence preference
Only one search criteria (business name, phone number or web site) can be specified to search.
General questions
Have you contacted the business about your complaint?
Have you hired an attorney to represent you in this matter?

If Yes, provide:

Transaction information
Is the product/service under warranty?

If Yes,

Upload up to 4 related documents (e.g. leases, receipts, estimates, contracts, invoices, advertisements, etc.)

Motor vehicle complaints only

Purchase or lease
Warranty type
As a protection against automated spam, you need to check I'm not a robot box.

The information provided is true to best of my knowledge and belief.

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